We offer a full range of evaluation and resources to suit the needs of your project. Whether its a consultation during project design or a multi-year interdisciplinary full evaluation and resources package, we can create the evaluation you need to evidence the impact of your brilliant work to suit your time and budget.  


What - got a great idea for a project but not sure how you could evidence the impact of it, or how to manage it? We can meet with you and help you design achievable project aims and objectives for funding bids.  

When - this consultation is most useful at the very start of a project when you are shaping your idea and applying for funding. 

Why - often projects can stumble when they have set unrealistic aims, or picked outcomes that cannot be evidenced. We provide an outside eye to help you develop a robust project evaluation that will be attractive to funders. 

How much - £450 covers the cost of a two-day consultation. If you are successful with your funding and use us for your evaluation you'll receive a £450 discount from your evaluation package. 

End of Project Evaluation

What - using information you have collected throughout the life of the project we will provide an evaluation of your impact against your aims and objectives. This might be questionnaire data, attendance information, informal or formal feedback, or participant interviews. 

When - you're coming to the end of the project, and are ready to start collating feedback. The sooner we hear from you the better. We can advise on any gaps in data that you can still collect to ensure a great impact report. 

Why - most funders require a project report. We understand that sometimes the people who are brilliant at delivering high quality projects that influence the lives of participants, might not be as experienced with evaluating this work. Or you might just be too close to the project to be able to see it as a whole, and need a helping hand to give you that strategic overview. Or you might be onto the next thing already and not have time to evaluate a finished project. 

How much - this is negotiable depending on the scale of your project, the data to be analysed and the type of reporting you need. 

SOS evaluation

What - like our end of project evaluation, but just in the nick of time. This rapid retrospective evaluation will work with the information you have collected throughout the project.

When - you've got the end of your project and need to submit a report very soon. Don't worry we can help.

How much - this is very dependent on the amount of data you have collected and how quickly you need a report. Send us an SOS email and we'll see what we can do. 

Light Touch Evaluation

What - we will work with you to examine your aims and objectives before providing advice and guidance on suitable methods of data collection and evaluation for your project. This also includes a full end of project evaluation. 

When - once you've got a green light to go ahead with a project bring us in to advise on what evaluation will work for you and your team. 

Why - knowing what information you need to collect from the very start of your project makes it so much easier.  It ensures you are not only collecting valuable information, but also providing useful monitoring information to help you run your project effectively. 

How much - as you are responsible for the design, collection and processing of data this is a cheaper alternative to the Full Service package. 

Full Service Evaluation and Resources

What - our full service package does exactly what is says on the tin. We will work with you to create an evaluation strategy that fits your project, collect relevant information at the right time, from the right people. 

We will design bespoke evaluation materials and provide full training on how to collect and process data. This ranges from GDPR compliant sign in sheets for events to feedback postcards and everything in between. 

As part of the package we will use a range of robust evaluation methods to help demonstrate the impact of your work. 

When - it’s never to soon to get us in! Our full service includes an initial consultation where we can help with a funding application or project design.  

Why - making evaluation accessible and relevant is something we are passionate about. You know your project is doing good, we can help you prove that. 

How much - as a comprehensive package this is the most expensive of our services. We work on a day rate and can adjust this to fit the needs of a project.